
Showing posts from August, 2018

Back to School Blues... Why am I never ready?

Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade It's your time to SHINE, sweet child of mine. Back to School Blues - that's a thing, right? I'm sure it is because I have it. And so does my husband (and even our smallest son), which confirms I'm not being over-sensitive. But why is it so hard? Why am I never ready and why doesn't it get easier? I've heard you counting down the days this past week. I've seen your face light up and that big smile of yours every time school has been mentioned. It makes my heart happy that you are so excited to see your teacher again, because you liked her so much at Open House. As ready as you are, my mama-bear heart just isn't. Today, you take on 2nd Grade! We are so proud of the boy you are. We love your enthusiasm, energy, creativity, and kind heart. I'm so excited to see you grow this year, but that's also where my heart starts feeling those tugs. Is "Back to School" so hard because it represents you